NYC DoITT: Sparking collaboration between government and small businesses

The New York City Department of Information Technology & Telecom (DoITT) works to establish a new open government paradigm and make customer-to-government interactions more transparent and accessible employing cutting-edge tools, partnerships, and innovations.

Challenged by the difficulty of engaging individuals and small businesses to work with the City on technology projects, DoITT created an initiative called “Speedy Procurement and Rapid Contracts” (NYC SPARK),

rayogram deigned the user-interface of NYC SPARK - connecting tech pros with cutting-edge tech projects. Built on the open source content management solution Drupal, NYC SPARK was designed to empower DoITT to (a) accelerate innovative small applications development projects Citywide (b) expand the pool of qualified application developers available to work on City projects (c) make it easier for individuals and small IT businesses to work with the City. NYC Spark aspires to enable job seekers to “Turn your passion into action, and help build NYC’s future.”

jane beck
We're rayogram, a cross-disciplinary studio whose creative strategies leave an impression.We build brands, launch publications, and create great digital user-experiences.

folioeast: Rebranding an Entrepreneurial, Long Island-Based Arts Initiative


Noah David Smith: Illustrating love & wisdom in the coming-of-age film Adam Bloom