Advancing research for prevention and a cure with The Breast Cancer Research Foundation
The Breast Cancer Research Foundation advances the world’s most promising research in an effort to prevent and cure breast cancer.
Under the tenure of founder Evelyn Lauder, The Foundation turned to rayogram for over a decade of comprehensive interactive strategy to raise awareness and funds via the use of emerging media.
This included the design, development and maintenance of their Web site, multiple micro-sites, and grantee portal. As well as content creation, design and maintenance fo their social media networks, e-newsletters, and team fundraising campaigns. We worked closely with an advisory board of scientific directors to create a grantee portal with the aim of fostering inter-institutional collaboration among medical researchers and allowing them to submit annual grant requests and semi-annual progress reports directly to Foundation evaluators.
Our strategy included:
external calls-to-action driving new supporters to specific contribution pages from Google Adwords, Web banner PSAs, donation widgets on outside Web sites, blogs and social networking sites.
e-communications to drive existing supporters to specific Web site, donation or campaign pages. These vehicles included a monthly e-press, a bi-yearly ‘Pink Press’, occasional e-alerts, and annual appeals.
social media networks using viral marketing to raise awareness and funds.
e-giving on BCRF’s own Web site allowing them to customize each call to give throughout the site and track response.
peer-to-peer ‘micro-fundraising’ campaigns allow individuals and corporations to set goals and raise funds to meet them
electronic events registration allows BCRF and its supporters to collect events registration and fees.